This is my first content creation proof of concept since I made the recent decision to become a content creator as my primary goal. The change from my goal of going out to shoe horses every day to instead going out to create content every day gives us the most potential and flexibility since the equestrian economy looks to be all but dead.
Not only has this entirely changed our potential, but is what I have put years of thought, learning and investing in.
I have all the tools.

How To Progress
In order to start toward that, the first goal is to get in the practice of capturing, editing and publishing as my primary all day, while building on this with my other brands (Steelbak, Flying Higher and DiggnDeeper), each with unique content markets and each building on the other naturally.
Setting a well defined goal like monetizing on YouTube seems like a perfect first proof of concept.
Although my preferred platforms are Hive and LBRY for all of my brands, YouTube is a better place to focus on a start because that is where the most attention is received and SEO benefits are incredible, especially over time. It’s where all the consumers are and it also has incredibly powerful features to connect with those people. It has a ton of income potential if successful.
I started on (date) and things are currently looking very positive.
Shortly, I will start adding in more Silver Bullet and Success Through Soundness plans and content.